Parent Teacher Organization

PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is the organized body of volunteers comprised of all parents of students within the school and offers support for special services and programs and is a constant source of encouragement to the students, parents, faculty, staff, and Board.  

A few examples of opportunities for involvement include the following: 

  • Pray regularly for the faculty and staff at Cornerstone Christian Academy. 

  • Attend PTO meetings  

  • Help plan and facilitate special events at the school  

  • Visit the school/class.  Please call ahead to schedule visits and check-in at office upon arrival. 

  • Assist in the classroom regularly or on an as-needed basis.   

  • Serve as a chaperone on field trips 

  • Offer special talents, hobbies and/or skills. 

  • Share vocation with the class or invite the class to places of business. 

  • Share experiences, travels as they may relate to an area of study in a class. 

  • Volunteer to help in the many tasks related to school functions. 

  • Help host class parties. 

  • Stay informed about your child’s progress through communication with faculty and staff. 

  • Enhance the development of the Cornerstone Christian Academy family through positive, supportive relationships built with faculty, staff and families in the school. 

  • Serve as lunchroom volunteers. 

  • Help raise money for teacher specific needs 

  • Serve as classroom parents 

  • Help promote school spirit  

to volunteer for pto or for more information, please contact the school 276.623.7164